Importance Of Collagen

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Importance Of Collagen


In the body, collagen is one of the essential types of protein. It is found in the bones, skin, tendons, muscles and the digestive system. In fact, collagen is what makes the skin maintain its elasticity and strength. In addition to that, it helps the body to replace the dead cells with new ones hence maintaining its shape. Here are some of a few benefits of collagen;

Improves The Health Of Your Skin And Hair

ladyAs you age, the rate of production of collagen in your body decreases significantly. That is why you start noticing wrinkles, a loose skin and less elasticity. It is important to know that normal collagen levels make your skin cells to get replaced and to get repaired. Moreover, it helps to cut down on cellulite and stretch marks. Once your body starts to lose its elasticity, you will experience the side effects.

Boosts The Health Of The Liver

Individuals try to detoxify their bodies and keep themselves young as well as improving the blood circulation in their bodies. If you are among them, the best way to go about is by promoting the production of collagen in your body. This is because glycine aids in reducing the damage to your liver when foreign substances are ingested. These substances include alcohol and toxins from processed foods.

Improves Metabolism

The right level of collagen in the body boosts its metabolism. Hence, you become leaner and your muscle mass increases. The advantage of that is that it helps the body to convert the essential nutrients. In fact, the most significant role of glycine is that it aids in creating muscle tissue through the conversion of essential nutrients in the body. It is important to understand that as you age, retaining muscle mass is essential.

Heals A Leaky Gut

If you have the leaky gut syndrome, collagen can be of great importance to you. nody model Individuals who have this condition suffer because toxins pass through the gut hence causing them to be ill. With the right levels of collagen in the body, the proteins can be digested well. Therefore, the lining of the gut remains intact and any damaged cells are fixed.

Makes The Nails Stronger

Splitting or peeling nails is an indication of lack of collagen in the body. This is because the protein is responsible for the production of nails, teeth, and hair. Incorporating it into your diet will help you to have stronger nails and also reverse hair loss.